Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Garrick - It's Gingervitis!

Hey Garrick - just checking in to let you know we're thinking of you.  Mary has us on a forced "March Across America", er, I mean, "Walk Across America" for Miss Mac/Mr. Clyne.  She decided dog walks were boring, so we got out Ginger's old training collar with the bell.  Voila!  Senior citizen dog becomes puppy in an instant.  Took her to the woods with the whistle, and with one blast she turned on a dime and came back to us.  Unfortunately, she had too much time to think on the run back and decided she could invoke her seniority and did a quick fake to the left and dove into the bunny bush.  The way she turned, though, you would have been proud, she definitely remembers her training.  Choosing to follow it, now that's another story!  I'm not sure how long Walk Across America lasts, but we'll see who is more fit at the end, me or the dog...if I have to keep chasing her, it may be a draw.

To the Group, Mr. Hunter, and Miss Keim - I hope from the length and frequency of posts from home to the group you all realize how highly esteemed and deeply loved you are by your friends and family.  Everyone here that knows or hears about your trip wishes you well and sends warm thoughts & prayers for a fun, safe and meaningful experience.  We are on the edge of our seats waiting for those blogs & photos from your end so we might live vicariously through your words and eyes.  Each of you has a unique voice and perspective to share, and we look forward to learning from your point of view. 

Warmly - Mary & Mom