Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From Connor...

Hi people, It’s Conner! Loving the 100 degree heat. Also, I love digging holes and tilling in it. While digging, we found a ginormous spider and our guide Juan picked it up. Juan is the coolest guy ever (next to Mr. Hunter) and he’s a total ninja. We went to the school and all the kids are complete beasts.  Mom, try not to have a heart attack, but I held a spider and it was awesome. Loving every minute I’m here. 
(Edited by Erin Luck)


Lisa said...

Hey Conner Glad to hear you are having such a good time! Just want to let you know that if you love digging holes and tilling we can use your help in WV this summer! lol What a great experience you must be having - enjoy every minute. By the way, don't tell me your mom freaks out over spiders.

Love Aunt Lisa