Monday, March 28, 2011


hey everyone! i miss you all SO MUCHH. i hope you are having a blasttt in belize! right now, i am at science olympiad, which is the reason why i'm not in belize with you all right now. :( tell everyone i miss them dearly! tell sam i will destroy his facebook wall, tell grace to call me right when you land, tell erin TO SINGGG, tell nicole i like her sweatpants, tell maddy that her lifeguard bathing suit is very stylish, tell leigh to be loud for me, tell indi that we are going to the pooool on the first day its open!, tell conner that i love him ALOT, tell john that im jealous of how tan he is, tell jeremy that he should shrink, tell rowan that I MISS MY TWINN, and tell garrick that i like his hat! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHHH <3
i cant wait til you come backk! tell me ALL about it!
love always,