Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From the Landrys for Grace and Everyone

Dear Grace and Everyone,

You all seem to be doing great.  The place seems beautiful and you all seem to be enjoying yourselves.  That is great to see and hear.

Grace - we have had your favorite for dinner every night:  grilled salmon!  We always have extra so we give that to T-boy and he sends you his regards.  He enjoyed your green beans tonight also.

Did you all get to any shrimp at the shrimp farm? Shrimp Tar-Tar?

By the way, we moved that poster of that ripped guy that you had up in your room.  I think his name is Conner.  Mary wanted it up in her room.  No big deal between sisters, right?!  So in its place, we put up that rolled-up poster you had in your room of another ripped guy.  I think his name is Bruno or something like that.  :)

T-Boy:  how big are the squirrels there?

Mama worked today so she is very tired and says that we have your bedroom door open and it is a good thing that you are out of the country.

In all seriousness, enjoy your trip and remember that you will find yourselves in giving yourselves away in service to others.

Love, Papa