Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Better than Reading a Newspaper

Greetings to Jason, Elizabeth, members of class of 2011 (and 2012),

Your posts and pictures are amazing.  Checking out the 'Belize blog'.....what a great way to start a day....Conner, I must say that you look like the member of a highway road crew as you watch Erin and Sam working in the hot sun.  I am sure you were caught taking a (very short) break.  Another picture showed me a teaching technique that really seems to hold the attention of everyone, perhaps I can use it back at SCS.....use a machete to demonstrate a new concept.  After all, you do get more with a smile and a machete than you get with a smile.

If you are not keeping some kind of personal journal (digital or hard copy) do it and you will be glad you did.  If it is not possible to do in Belize because you are so busy, it is a great way to pass the time in an airport or on a plane.

Travel is the best education!

Mr. True