Sunday, March 27, 2011

From Erin

Hey Mom, Dad, and siblings,
I am having such a GREAT time. I hope things are going well at home. Girls, make sure you have tons of fun in Florida. I miss you all a lot! 
So, we have done a lot of exciting things! We did a hard, but super fun, hike, swam in a waterfall, and played lots of games. Down time is fun: we have thrown footballs and played twister. I even played Uno with Nicole and Mr. Hunter(didn’t win)!
We are currently at the Jaguar Preserve. It is certainly a lot warmer than Indiana! The cabins remind me so much of Tannadoonah! Our bus driver Juan is awesome! The scenery is so beautiful. 
I am having so much fun and I miss you a lot! All my friends and I are having a great time. It is one big camping trip! I will definitely blog again soon. Love ya!