Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 5 in Belize

Day 5 in Belize and everyone is doing great!!  We are drinking tons of water, applying lots of sunscreen and lots of bug spray.  After breakfast we headed back to the St. Jude School to continue working on our service projects.  A group got busy burying the posts for the fence while the rest of the kids helped Juan work on the picnic table.  After a little while some of the group went into one of the classrooms to help them prepare for the National Exam they are taking next week.  Our kids jumped right in to help with some math problems and before we knew it they were talking about sports and music.  They couldn't wait until recess to play soccer with them and as soon as the bell rang they were on the field running around.  

After we finish up at the school today we will head back to where we are staying for lunch.  After lunch we are heading back up to Cockscomb Jaguar Preserve to tube down the river.  Everyone is very excited for some much deserved time in the water!  Tonight we will have some time to relax a little bit before our last day at the school tomorrow.  

Everyday goes by a little bit faster than the one before and we are trying to slow down time as much as we can.  The whole team is having a great time and they are getting along really well.  I can't even tell you how much your posts have meant to them!!  We all get together after dinner and read all of the posts together.  We also appreciate all of the classmates that have posted to us from back home!  It's great to know that we are being thought of!  

We will write some more posts this evening and try to get them up tomorrow morning.  Thank you for all of your well wishes and kind words!!  

Love from Belize, 
Miss Keim